Tuesday, March 11, 2025

MINItherm - Plant room Horizontal

Modular Fan Coil Units with EC fan motors.
Up to 9,500 Litres/Sec.

The unique design of the MINItherm® fan coil range offers the latest double skin construction in a compact air handling unit. The units are available in Horizontal or Vertical configurations making them ideal for ceilings or plant rooms where space is limited.

MINItherm units are purpose-built to enable easy access for servicing and are well suited to projects where performance and value are important. They include high efficiency EC plug fans that can be controlled by MODBUS or 0-10V signal. The fans can run independently or integrated into most building management systems.

The units are constructed with 50mm thick insulated panels that are fitted with the revolutionary AHU CLIP ‘n’ LOCK fastening system. This airtight system includes a synthetic cord and aluminium capping that gives the unit a strong, rigid structure and allows the panels to be removed easily for maintenance and cleaning. AHU CLIP ‘n’ LOCK also provides a high thermal performance which reduces condensation and minimises energy loss. The high quality modular casing construction achieves both the highest degree of air tightness, rating “L1”, and the highest resistance to condensation rating “TB1”, as defined in BS EN 1886:2007.

  • High quality double skin Colorbond 50mm polyurethane panel construction that complies with National Construction Code insulation specification J5.2
  • Panels have zero ozone depleting potential (0% ODP)
  • High efficiency EC plug fans with integrated speed control, current overload and motor phase protection, reverse polarity, locked rotor protection and soft starting
  • EC plug fan motors exceed EU’s minimum level of efficiency for electric motors (IE4)
  • To minimise on-site installation time fan motors are pre-wired to junction box
  • Commissioning is easier with speed controller located on the coil pipe side adjacent to fan discharge
  • Chilled water cooling coils available with 3, 4, 5, 6 or 8 rows and 315, 394 or 472 fins per metre
  • Hot water heating coils available with 1 or 2 rows and 315, 394 or 472 fins per metre
  • Combined maximum of 8 cooling and heating coil rows per unit
  • Matching filter plenums are available
  • Drain tray manufactured from quality 304 grade stainless steel with 10mm polyethylene insulation (316 grade stainless steel option also available)
  • Intermediate tray for stacked core manufactured from quality 304 grade stainless steel (316 grade stainless steel option also available)
Commercial applications including:
  • Shopping centres
  • Office buildings
  • Hotels
  • Health facilities
  • Schools and Universities

Units incorporate the unique AHU CLIP ‘n’ LOCK system where the removable casing panels clip into a continuous aluminium locking strip with an EPDM closed cell foam underseal. The locking strip is secured into position with a continuous synthetic cord, forming an airtight seal. MINItherm units include a modular, thermally broken aluminium frame construction with double skin, 50mm thick polyurethane-filled panels. The unit case has a Class L1 leakage rating and TB1 thermal bridging rating. Casing construction complies with National Construction Code insulation specification J5.2 (all areas except for alpine areas).

Each unit is complete with an access panel on the coil pipe side. The condensate tray is of a non-ponding design manufactured from grade 304 stainless steel. Fans are high efficiency EC plug type in a single or dual arrangement depending on the model.

  • EC motors are 3 phase 415V 50-60Hz or single phase 240V 50-60Hz
  • Bearings are sealed for life ball type
  • Integrated EC controller for infinite speed control
  • IP54 rated

Integral thermal overload protection is supplied as standard.

Protection will not prevent fans from functioning in fire mode as required by AS/NZS1668.1:2015.

The Air Handling Units shall be of the MINItherm series as designed by Fantech and be of the model numbers shown on the schedule drawing.

Units shall incorporate a modular, thermally broken, aluminium frame construction with double skin, 50mm thick, polyurethane-filled panels that achieve the highest degree of air tightness rating “L1”, and the highest resistance to condensation, rating “TB1”, as defined in BS EN 1886:2007. Panels shall also comply with the National Construction Code insulation specification J5.2 and have zero ozone depleting potential (0 % ODP).

Unit casings shall incorporate AHU CLIP ‘n’ LOCK removable panels that are sealed airtight by the use of a continuous clip in aluminium locking strip with a continuous EPDM closed cell foam underseal. The panels are locked into the strip with a continuous synthetic cord. The panels shall be removable without the need to remove screws or fasteners. Cooling and heating capacities and external static pressures shall be as shown on the schedule.

Units shall be complete with filter plenums with filter frames fitted. Filter plenums shall have the same construction as the Air Handling Unit.

Fans shall be backward curved centrifugal type, driven by EC motors with an IP54 rating. Fan motors shall be pre-wired to an external terminal box.

Models *

Model Number
Air Flow
(External) Pa
(Total) kW
(Sensible) kW
(Total) kW
Full Load

HMEP-0650-FCO 670 450 16.20 11.40 13.50 0.80 x 1 3.70 x 1 HMEP-0650-FCO
HMEP-1100-FCO 1100 450 29.70 20.00 23.90 2.50 x 1 3.80 x 1 HMEP-1100-FCO
HMEP-1550-FCO 1540 450 40.90 27.70 34.50 2.40 x 1 3.70 x 1 HMEP-1550-FCO
HMEP-1950-FCO 1980 310 51.60 35.20 45.00 2.40 x 1 3.70 x 1 HMEP-1950-FCO
HMEP-2400-FCO 2410 450 65.10 43.80 55.50 2.50 x 2 3.80 x 2 HMEP-2400-FCO
HMEP-3100-FCO 3086 450 81.40 55.30 68.10 5.40 x 1 8.20 x 1 HMEP-3100-FCO
HMEP-3500-FCO 3630 450 94.30 63.40 79.30 2.40 x 2 3.70 x 2 HMEP-3500-FCO
HMEP-3950-FCO 3958 420 106.90 71.90 88.60 5.00 x 1 7.70 x 1 HMEP-3950-FCO
HMEP-4800-FCO 4829 450 130.50 87.80 109.70 5.40 x 2 8.20 x 2 HMEP-4800-FCO
HMEP-5900-FCO 5902 450 159.50 107.30 134.10 5.40 x 2 8.20 x 2 HMEP-5900-FCO
HMEP-7000-FCO 6975 450 188.50 126.80 158.40 5.00 x 2 7.70 x 2 HMEP-7000-FCO
HMEP-8300-FCO 8234 450 214.70 146.40 181.70 6.00 x 2 9.00 x 2 HMEP-8300-FCO
HMEP-9500-FCO 9493 450 252.00 170.70 209.50 5.00 x 3 7.70 x 3 HMEP-9500-FCO

*Air flow and coil performance are at 2.5m/s coil face velocity.
Cooling capacities are based on 8 row 472fin/m coils with entering air conditions of 26/19°C and water temperatures of 6/12 °C.
Heating capacities are based on 1 row 394fin/m coils with entering air at 12oC and water temperatures of 80/65 °C.
Absorbed power, motor power and current (per fan x no of fans).
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